So this is blogging.
I've never really had a blog before, just absent minded thoughts that I post to Facebook and Twitter. Oh, Myspace was a thing once upon a time. I guess I will use this blog to jot my creative thoughts. Well, those that I would like to share because my blog is public and I would like to save the really good ones for a screenplay or a book.
Here are my dreams:
Write a book.
Write a screenplay.
Have a kid... eventually... when I am ok with the thought of a stretched out vagina and living thing inside of me.
Have a cute kid. Hey, you have to be specific with your wants.
Make an egg sandwich. This is a dream that I can achieve in the next 10 minutes if I will rise above my laziness and get off of my ass and go to the microwave and cook it ( I live in a dorm).
Coordinate music festivals like ACL and SXSW or Bonnaro.
Walk a red carpet...or a pink one. I guess I've walked a pink carpet before because I have one in my closet.
What the hell am I supposed to do with this? I think way too much under a daily basis to get to a computer fast enough and write out my blog. What am I even using this for?
Oh yeah.
Postmortem notoriety.